Sous Vide Filet

I have used the ANOVA Precision for around 4 years now. It is by far the best tool to get you that exact temperature you are looking for. It works with any kind of meat or vegetables. I know that in the beginning i doubted myself when it came to grilling a thicker meat, and this just solved all my problems.

It is a step by step when you get a precision cooker. Whether it is Wifi or Bluetooth, you download the App and from there it gives you step by step instructions. It is not very easy to mess this up! Try it out!!!!

Beef Filet with Anova precision cooker

Sous vide is a perfection tool used to get exactly what you want.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 2


  • Anova Precision Cooker
  • skillet


This is a Sous vide style to get your meat the exact temperature you want .
You put your meat and marinade along in the ziploc bag. Then you submerge when the precision cooker is at its temperature you select, pinning it on the side of the dutch oven just enough so the meat is all the way in. 
At at the end of cooking you seal it by placing in a skillet on hight for two minutes on each side.
The best you will ever get! 
Go get that precision cooker:)
Keyword filet, steak